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And totally Addicted to Music

Jimmie AKA Xianz
Ryan -Cousin☺

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# designerJOE

Friday, November 13, 2009 7:09 PM

Well doubt anyone will actually read my blog anymore. But what the heck. I need to think out loud.

O levels is over. Finally. I should be happy. Shouldnt I?

The paper was tough I have to admit. Hope im able to do well. Went to Atul's House with Yu Long after the paper to play some odst before going out with everyone else: Marcus, Jian Bin, Sk, Yew Fei, Chin Mian, Ming Yew, Jia Yan, Gladys, Miao wen, Clarissa and Ah gwee. Went to watch My Sister's Keeper at cineleisure. Played some arcade to kill time - DDR!. Ate at LongJohn. It was fun.

But that was all that was fun. After the arcade, people wanted to go to HMV. when we were at HMV, no one knew i was gone. Twice. Or so i assume. Only when they wanted to leave did they realized i was already at the cinema. After the movie, wanted to go to Shaw. But then, i walked a different route with everyone walking through the shelter. It just felt so..

So now im home, feeling like total horse crap right now.

always, with passion;
7:09 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:58 AM

Lols... dead blog.
And now it's the time to study.
yet im here.
trying to add life to this lifeless blog.

4(3) days more to the big Os!
14 papers.
Psyched about it.

And after it's over,
Until Jan 11 10.

Revision has been alright so far.
Managed to follow my schedule.
A first. Haha.
But i shall not waste any more time.

And To all those who had/taking (idk) the O level Practical today,
All the best! (though it's a little late for that)

On a totally random note: Old/Classic songs ftw~!

always, with passion;
10:58 AM

Saturday, June 6, 2009 9:07 PM

Today was fun!

Thanks for those who visited and supported my class.


always, with passion;
9:07 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:50 PM

Though i support Danny / Adam
But he is good anyway.
So congrats to him.

I really like the song that Kris sang with Keith during the finale.
Song is in the mixtune.
Not sure if you all listened to it before.
Great for those who did
For those who didnt, go listen.
it's awesome

LYRICS: Kiss a Girl - Keith Urban
To kiss and tell
It's just not my style.
But the night is young,
And it's been a while.
And she broke my heart,
Broke it right in two.
And it's fixing time,
But I'm feeling like I'm finally ready to
Find, find somebody new.
I wanna kiss a girl,
I wanna hold her tight,
And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight.
Don't wanna go too far
Just to take it slow,
But I shouldn't be lonely in this big ol' world.
I wanna kiss a girl.

It's that moment when
You start closing in.
First you're holding back,
Then surrendering.
It can start a fire,
Light up the sky.
Such a simple thing,
Do you wanna try?
Are you ready to
Say goodbye
To all these blues?
I wanna kiss a girl,
I wanna hold her tight,
And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight.
Don't wanna go too far
Just to take it slow,
But I shouldn't be lonely in this big ol' world.
I wanna kiss a girl.

'Cause, baby, tonight
It could turn into the rest of our lives.
Oh yeah.
Are you ready?
(Are you ready?)
Are you ready
(Are you ready)
To cross that that line?
Put your lips on mine.
Put your lips on mine, baby.

Do you wanna try?
Are you ready to
Say goodbye
To all these blues?

I wanna kiss a girl,
I wanna hold her tight,
And maybe make a little magic, baby.
Don't wanna go too far
Just to take it slow,
I don't want to be lonely,
I shouldn't be lonely.
I wanna kiss a girl,
I wanna hold her tight,
And maybe make a little magic in the moonlight.
Don't wanna go too far
Just to take it slow,
But I shouldn't be lonely in this big ol' world.
I wanna kiss a girl.

I said I wanna kiss a girl.
Whoa-ho whoa-ho
I wanna kiss a girl.
I wanna hold her tight,
I wanna make a little magic
Out under the moonlight.

Oooh I wanna kiss a girl.

always, with passion;
8:50 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009 9:42 PM


1.Are you single or attached?

2.How old are you?

3.Do you have a person you are in love with?

4.What is the name of the person you are in love?
Not telling. though its effing obvious.

5.If the person you love and your mother dropped into the sea, who will you save?
My mom, then the person i love.

6.Have you ever hugged someone before?

7.Do you love your parents?
Yea. Though my dad can be a bitch at times. But i still respect him.

8.Will you hug the one you loved?
Ya duh.

9.Are you willing to do anything for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not everything and they should understand that.

10.Are you jealous now?

11.Who is the last person who message you, what is the message?
Jason. Smth about confirming if im going for the patry.

12.Who is your clique?
Er.. Louis and ZW? If not then i dont have.

13.Do you want a baby in future?
fine about it.

14.Do you prefer Mac, KFC, Long John Silver, Burger King or coffee shop?

15.Are you skinny or fat?

16.Do you smoke?

17.If you boyfriend/girlfriend is a two-timer, what will you do?
Shout, scold, break up and curse at her. Prolly cry if the relationship is deep.

18.If you found out you have a disease, what will you do?
Pray that it be cured.

19.Which cca are you in now?
None. Stepped down from band.

20.If you are rich, what will you do?
Be thankful and appreciative.

21.If the one you are in love held your hand, what will you do?
Continue to hold her hands.

22.If the one you love rejected you, what will you do?
Emo.. then accept it.

23.What is you favourite cartoon character?

24.What is you personality?

25.Friendship or love?
Friendship & love... arent they the same?

26.Cookie monster or elmo?

27.What is your horoscope?

28.When is your birthday?
24th June

29. Who is your idol?

30.Who you wish to marry to?
The one whom i love, who also, wholeheartedly, loves me back.

31.Do you like lollipop?
I guess.

32.Do you own a diary ?
Blog counts?

33.Who are you scared of?

34.Who is your first crush?
Not saying.

35.If your face is destroyed, are you still happy?
Yes. Its kinda destroyed already.

36.Happy, stress, lonely or moody?
A bit of everything.

37.What is the BIGGEST thing you afraid of?
Er. As of now? My O level exams.

38.If you are going to die, who will you think first?

39.If you are kidnapped, who will you call first to rescue you?
The police.

40.Who you think you are?
A person who is just trying to live his life?

41.Which do you prefer, bee or mosquito?

42.Are you scared of insects?

43.If you saw ghost, what will you do?
Is it a nice & friendly ghost? If its aggressive... i would wish for a shotgun and some rock salt.

44.There is a admire of yours and he/she won't die heart, what will you do?
Wtf do you mean wont die heart?

45.If your clique quarrel, what will you do?
Try to resolve the problem.

46.If you quarrel with you boyfriend/girlfriend and he/she want to break, what will you do?
Try to settle the problem. Not everything must result in a break.

47.Do you love soft toys?

48.Do you think you are gay/lesbian?
wtf. Hell no.

49.Have you ever entered the boy/girl toilet?
Both. LOLS. I went to the girl's cause i was in a girl's school and i needed to go. lmao

50.Who do you wish to be talking to you now?
Anyone whom i can have a great conversation with.

51.Are you bored now?
Uh Huh.

52.Are you blur?

53.If you can have you hair dyed, what colour will you dye?
I wont dye. I love my hair colour.

54.Do you wear specs?

55.What is your colour of shirt now?
White + Black + Red

56.What brand of school bag you use?

57. Have you bathed?

58.How many people are there in your family?

59.What is your full name?
Lucas Ngiam Ju Jin

60.Lock yourself in the room, or use a penknife to cut yourself?
Lock and then watch naruto. or play games. Lols.

61.How much of % do you give the boy/girl you are in love?
Give what?

62.Do you miss your ex?
Nope. But we are good friends. Hahas.

63.Are you scared of losing your precious things?
How precious? It depends.

64.What is the blog url of the person you are in loved? :D

65.Do you hate him/her?
Who is the him/her?? If its HER, then HELL NO.

66.Do you wish your mother was hugging you now?
Er. No.

67.Are you sitting or standing now?

68.Have you eaten?
I did. At like 3 plus

69.How many person you blocked in your msn?
None. For now.

70.If your idol come to the country you live in, what will you do?
Pray that i would be able to meet them in person and talk to them.

71.If you get to shake hand with your idol, what will you do?
Shake hands with them and become friends with them after that.

72.Do you have a pet last time or now?

73.Who is the last person you chatted in MSN?

74.How many people got beaten by you before?
Beaten in what sense?

75.If your boyfriend/girlfriend don't love you anymore, what will you do?
Don't love her back.

76.You won a car, what will you do?
It depends on what car i won.

77.If your boyfriend/girlfriend cannot live more than a week, what will you do?
Spend the whole time with her, and not caring about anything else.

78.If you fall down, will you stand up by your own or ask someone to help you up?
Can i stand up on my own in the first place?

79.How many TV(s) you have?

80.If this is your first date, what would you wear?
Clothes which complements me and makes me feel comfortable.

81.What is your e-mail address?
Ask the guy behind you.

82.Who do you think annoyed you the most?
Idk. No one really annoyed me that much for me to remember how much he/she annoyed me.

83.What school are in?

84.Do you like your form teacher?
I think she is okay. So yea. Kinda

85.In school, who are you most scared of?
People who have the authority to make me cut my hair. Hahas

86.Which instrument do you wish to have in your house?

87.During weekends, what do you do?
Stuff? LOL

88.Do you prefer fever or flu?

89.Do you prefer laptop or desktop?

90. What colour specs are you wearing?
Black + Red

91.What fruits do you like most?

92.What is your mobile phone number?
382596877353. LOLS. Why should i tell you??

93.Do you prefer iphone or normal mobile phone?

94.If your pants dropped at a crowed place, what will you do?
Pick it up and acts as nothing happened. Its crowded isn't it? So nobody would have seen it. =D

95.Are you scared of chilli?
A bit i guess.

96.Are you wearing any accessories now?

97.Do you like rainbow?
Er.. neutral about it.

98.What subject you love most?
PHYSICS! ITS ALL ABOUT PHYSICS! xD *thinks of current and fleming's left hand rule*

99.If you were to present in front of the person you are in love with and the whole school, what will you do?
What am i presenting?

100.Which do you prefer cute/chio/handsome boys/girls?
chio girls. like duh.

frigging tired after this quiz. wrist. hurts. cant. type.

always, with passion;
9:42 PM